On edit 01/05/18 additional information in new article on Madison Golf Enterprise. Madison’s Golf Enterprise wouldn’t be sustained just by closing courses
According to a study done by Edgehill Golf Advisors for Madison, Wi city officials demand for golf will decline in the coming decade as baby boomers play less golf. In a story done by Madison Newspapers written by Chris Aadland which appears here. Madison, WI Demand for Golf
Chris said in his article that….”There are “considerably fewer” golfers in the 18 to 44 year-old age group than those between the ages of 55 to 75, who play more often than their younger counterparts, according to the analysis. The good news is the report….”found that the number of golf-playing Wisconsinites is twice the national average of about 7 percent, the number of golfers nationwide has steadily decreased from a high of 12.1 percent in 1999.”
There are two choices being considered by Madison City Golf Subcommittee to take to the City Common Council. #1) Close some (it is unclear whether City Golf is considering closing all of Yahara) of the Yahara Hills Golf Course 36 holes which has had large drainage issues for many years and keep Monona open. #2) sell and close the Monona 9 hole course course to pay for the 4 million needed to repair Yahara Hills. Odana Hills 18 holes and Glenway’s 9 holes are not effected.
It is this writers opinion that Yahara has been a leaking sieve for a multitude of years. It makes one wonder why wait all this time to address the issues. This isn’t something that is new business. This along with many poor business decisions now in the present and over the years has left the Madison City Golf Enterprise exposed to these decisions.
With global warming and it’s wetter spring, summer and fall almost a given as we have seen these past few years. It doesn’t make sense to try and reclaim Yahara built on a flood plain where Monona is dry upland and hasn’t been closed for wet grounds since 2008 to my recollection.
Add that Monona has the best driving range in southern Wisconsin while Yahara’s range is one of the worst, it surely doesn’t make sense to close it for that and so many other reasons. Monona being a 9 hole course and a very walkable mature course for juniors, seniors and the golfing public. And where Madison and Dane Co. are seen to be an above average stay in shape community why close the walkable mature course to keep open a harder to walk 36 hole Yahara Hills course where many need carts to even play the course.
Stay tuned more decisions will be on the way come spring 2018.
My guess is the over-saturation of the Madison area golf market is at the upper-end – 18 hole championship style courses. So Yahara would be more affected by this over-supply than the 9 hole Monona course. With its maintenance issues, it should be first on the chopping block. Close it for a year, keep Monona open and re-evaluate.
Monona is an attractive, playable course. Hard to believe it couldn’t be run at least at break-even. Also as a public park, what is wrong with the city at least funding some of its upkeep?